Pool Deck Renovation Service

Before & AfterSince 1980, Creative Concrete has been helping clients restore their pools. We provide high-quality, professional, quick and quality work in every restoration job. We maintain a large and highly skilled crew, equipped with the most modern equipment and training. Our craftsmen will quickly and efficiently take your pool deck from worn and broken to new and beautiful providing years of enjoyment for you and your family.

Your Investment

Pool deck renovation is an important property investment. We will take your existing deck and not only restore it, but also give you the opportunity to work with our designers to update and beautify your deck, add elements, accent the natural beauty in your landscaping, repair chipped and cracking stairs, risers and walls. Turn your pool into a major asset for a minor investment to your property.

If interested, please feel free to contact our office at (262) 537-4495 or by email at 1creativeconcrete@gmail.com for pricing information.